Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Garlic Scape Recipe

We sent out our first vegie baskets (CSA's) yesterday.  I am sure that I have a few people wondering what the curly things are in the bag.  They would be garlic scapes... the flower head of the garlic.  They can be used in place of garlic in a recipe or used as a vegetable in stir fry.  Roasted garlic scapes are delicious.  The recipe is as follows.

Roasted Garlic Scapes

  • oil
  • scapes
  • salt
Preheat the oven to 475 degrees Farenheit. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with tin foil.
Trim off the woody bottom parts of each scape as well as the seed pods at the top.
Toss the remaining middle sections with oil and salt, and bake until tender and slightly browned, approximately 7 minutes.
Alternatively, grill the scapes in a grill basket, turning them from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. well my tuscan soup tonight included scapes and purple beans, my salad greens and chives, all from my first greenhouse weekly basket. this will be a good healthy summer.
