Monday, October 11, 2010


A friend and I recently chatted about saying Grace in school. Her daughter has just started her first year in the school system and is expected to say Grace before eating. Seems it is still done in some schools in Newfoundland. We talked about how the implementation of a non denominational system has not taken religion from the educational system entirely. There are strong arguments on both sides of this debate and its difficult to take a stand on one side or the other. BUT... at least we can.

I thought about it quite a bit after that conversation. I had a different concern when my son was in kindergarten. There was a little girl who was Jehovah Witness in his class and because of this there were no Christmas trees made from colourful construction paper to adorn the walls and windows of that classroom that year. My son, Zack, though it was quite unfair that the majority was over ruled to accommodate one child. Perhaps the teacher should have researched both pagan and non-pagan celebrations and taught a balanced message of true tolerance and an appreciation for the diversity of opinion; whether they be religious or not.

Tolerance is a BIG word. What we have to remember is that it works both ways.

Today I am giving thanks. In a world full of terrifying images and realities, we are truly lucky to be born on this soil of Canada. Whether I choose to follow a book to guide my way or touch the soil of my garden to feel truly connected to 'something', it is not important. I am not a particularly religious person but it does not stop me from being thankful. Be it God, Allah, Ganesha or Mother Earth, I have a full belly and a pantry lined with colorful bottles of preserves to get me thru the winter. Grace is in humanity not in words or books.

I am thankful.